Brute-force attacks work by calculating every possible combination that could make up a password and testing it to see if it is the correct password. Be aware that, as the password's length increases, the amount of time, on average, to find the correct password increases exponentially.
Hydra: tool developed by THC (The Hacker's Choice), uses bruteforce attacks on different protocols
hydra -l root -x 1:9:aA1 [@IP] ssh
- l : username to test for
- x: the tested password will have between 1 and 9 characters with upper and lower case letters and numbers
hydra -V -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt [@IP] [protocol] # performs the combinations between each word in the text files.
hydra [@Host] -V -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt http-get-form "path/to/the/form/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&Login:F-incorrect:H=cookie:PHPSESSID=[cookie];security=high"
# Login = name of the button and repeat as long as it is incorrect
John The Ripper (JTR)
Default use
john --wordlist=[wordListFile] [file-to-crack] # To make a crack based on a wordList
john --list=formats # all hash types that can be cracked by JTR
Crack /etc/shadow
cp /etc/passwd ./
cp /etc/shadow ./
unshadow passwd shadow > passwords
john passwords # automatic detection of the hash and starts cracking (press a key to know the evolution (except 'q' because it quits)
john -show passwords # in the folder where the crack is made => to check what has been found
Recovering the passphrase of a private key
ssh2john id_rsa > hash.txt
CeWL (Custom WordList Generator)
Tools to create a list of words based on a URL.
cewl --depth 2 --min_word_length 5 --write words.txt
Generates wordLists if you know how the user created his password
crunch [min_word_length] [max_word_length] -t pass@@ >> wordlist.txt`
The '@' characters are generated by the command. (For numbers, use '%').
Bruteforce an argument of a program
If you need to bruteforce an argument of a program.
strings random.dic > list.txt
while read LINE; do ./program "$LINE"; done < list.txt