Reverse Engineering

Static analysis

How to know if a binary is packed

  • PEid
    • Raw Size and Virtual Size are very different
    • Character strings are random.
    • Non-standard section names (UPX0, ...)
  • Dependency viewer
    • Low number of imports

Extract resource section from a binary

  • Resource Hacker
    • if a binary contains resources (section .rsrc), it's possible to view/extract it with this software).


UPX, is a tool called packer, used to pack/unpack a binary.

Dynamic analysis

  • procmon - monitor the actions performed on the system when malware is launched
  • process explorer - obtain information on the process in memory (there may be differences between the binary on disk and what runs in memory - (strings present, DLLs loaded, etc.))
  • inetsim - simulate network responses to allow malware to continue executing normally (if in multiple VMs, change DNS IP and bind_address to listen on all interfaces, not just local)
  • wireshark - capture network traffic
  • regshot - capture windows registry before and after malware execution

If you need to analyze a DLL, you can execute with cmd.exe using the following command:

rundll32.exe <dll_path>, <exported_func>
Malware may want to delete itself. This can fail if other software has a handle on it. For example, during static analysis, a handle can be kept on the malware and removal fails.

A few tips on using IDA

  • to identify a local variable for a function, IDA specifies negative addresses (relative to esp) - otherwise it's an argument.

    local variable vs arguments

Some shortcuts

  • Rename what you understand, variables, functions... (keyboard shortcut: n)

  • Add comments (keyboard shortcut: :)

  • jump to a specific line (keyboard shortcut: g)

  • display cross-references (X-ref) (keyboard shortcut: x)

How to read

mov dest, src
xor edx, edx ; sets edx to 0

Arguments are pushed on the stack, from right to left.

From the windows documentation socket windows documentation

  [in] int af,
  [in] int type,
  [in] int protocol

arguments order on the stack

In this socket call, protocol=6, type=1 and af=2.

Quick binary analysis

In the functions tab, we search for the _main function, which is the entry point for our program.

main entry point

We finally realize that our binary contains a simple if displaying whether it has access to the Internet or not.

a simple if

The printf function is not recognized by IDA, but you can tell it's this function by a quick scan. A call to _stbuf and _ftbuf is made.


The InternetReadFile function takes a buffer and buffer size as parameters. Here, we push 512 bytes (200h). Except that at declaration time, we notice that the Buffer variable (IDA didn't notice it was an array, so it just says it's a pointer) isn't 512 bytes (difference between Buffer and var_20c).

Buffer size

To modify this interpretation of IDA, move to the Buffer declaration, then ctrl+k.

ida stack resizing

After modification:

ida stack resizing after modification

After the InternetReadFile function, the program checks the beginning of the response and look for a specific command so that it knows what to do next.

parse html page

Valid commands are [a, b, c, d, e]

check command validity

Dynamically testing commands

Appending a comment in the inetsim fake html page. (The a command should create a directory)

inetsim html page

Executing the malware

malware execution

The new Temp directory is then created

execution result