Quickly share your git repository


This is an insecure (but very fast) way of sharing access to your git repository. Use only on a LAN where you know who can access your machine. For a more secure way, use SSH.

Read-only access

On the machine with the repository you want to share.

git daemon --base-path=/path/where/your/repositories/are --export-all --reuseaddr --informative-errors --verbose

# export-all - shares all the repositories in a folder from "–base-path" option
# base-path=. - daemon looks for repositories in a current directory(".")
# reuseaddr - allows to restart server quickly
# informative-errors - provides cleaner error message for clients
# verbose - notifies about each operation with the repository


With the previous example, all git repositories are exported because of the export-all option. In order to manage which repository you want to share, simply create a git-daemon-export-ok empty file in the repository you want to share (and remove the former option).

On other machines

git clone git://IP/name-of-the-repository-to-clone

Adding push access

To enable push access to your git repository, simply add –enable=receive-pack in your command line.


Before pushing, the client needs to create a new branch and push it to the server. Then you can merge it into the target branch.

Creating aliases

Edit the ~/.gitconfig file by adding the following lines


    serve = !git daemon --base-path=. --export-all --reuseaddr --informative-errors --verbose
    hub = !git daemon --base-path=. --export-all --enable=receive-pack --reuseaddr --informative-errors --verbose

And use the newly created commands:

git serve
# or
git hub