CLI - Shell
- prompt-toolkit: allows to get a shell in which the user can execute commands.
- keeps a history of the commands
- proposal of completion from existing commands and from the history
- syntax highlighting
- dialog box (Ex: Important decision)
- PyInquirer: create simple interactions with the user (questions/answers)
How to use a tag (eg:@common_options
) for commands that have same options.
def common_options(f: Callable):
options = [
return functools.reduce(lambda x,opt: opt(x)options,f)
Data visualization
- Pandas, Numpy
- Matplotlib, Graphviz, Dash, Orange
Recursive unzip with password
import os
number = 556
while number > 0:
os.system("zip2john zip_"+str(number)+".zip > hash")
os.system("john --wordlist=rockyou.txt hash > dustbin")
os.system("john --show hash > needyou")
f = open('needyou','r')
lines = f.readlines()
password = lines[0].split(':')[1]
os.system("unzip -P "+password+" zip_"+str(number)+".zip")
os.system("rm zip_"+str(number)+".zip")
Testing in Python
Run code before a test method
def before_test():
def test_f1(before_test):
Run test by markers: pytest.mark.<name>
pytest -m <marker>
Run a test again multiple sets of argument
def test_add(i,j,o):
assert i+j == o,"failed"
We expect to have an error. @pytest.raises(ValueError)
Command line options
-s # display prints
-pytest-randomly # run tests in a random order
-pytest-cov # compute code coverage at the same time