- Docker volumes
- Manage image size
- Capturing network traffic in a container
- Docker Forensic
- Docker-compose
- To get further
docker images # list images
docker pull <img:tag> # pull a certain image
docker run -it <img:tag> <command> # run a command in a new container (interactively)
docker ps -as # list all containers
docker exec -it <container-id> <command> # run a command in a running container
docker container prune # delete all containers
docker inspect <container-id> # show low-level info on a container
docker commit <container-id> <repository:tag> # create a new image from container changes
# Networks managing: None, Host, Bridge (default)
docker network create --driver <driver> --subnet x.x.x.x/x --gateway x.x.x.x <network-name> # create a new network
docker network connect <network-name> <container-id> [--ip x.x.x.x] # connect a container to a network (and changing the default ip)
docker rmi $(docker images|grep none|awk '{ print $3 }') # remove docker images with tag or name at none
Docker volumes
flowchart TB A[Container]--bind out -->B subgraph B[Filesystem] D[ContainerData] end A--volume -->D A--tmpfs mount -->C[Memory]
docker volume create <volume-name> # create a volume
docker inspect <volume-name> # to get the mount point on the host
docker run -itd --mount src=<volume-name>,target=/some/path --name <container-name-to-create> --rm <image-name> # mount a volume on the container
Manage image size
docker image history <image-name> -notrunc # know the size and layers of an image
Multi-stage Build: allows to reduce the final size of a docker image by performing some operations before creating the final image (e.g. compiling the source code)
Choose your base image:
- alpine
- debian
- scratch
- busybox:glibc (useful if the program is dynamic)
: Go doesn't use system libraries anymore but its own implementations so it becomes static (net
and dns
for example)
Alpine uses musl but there is the possibility to install build-base
The others use glibc. The 2 are not compatible (i.e. compiling on glibc and running on alpine will not work)
Capturing network traffic in a container
To capture network packets in a container with Wireshark on your host, do the following:
# Get PID of the container
docker inspect --format "{{ State.Pid }}" <container-id>
# Enter the same network name space
ns enter -n -t "<PID>"
# run wireshark
Docker Forensic
Dive: exploring image, layer, contents
LiME: Linux Memory Extractor
docker-compose up --build -d # run, build and keep detach
docker-compose stop/down
To get further
- Kubernetes
- Skaffold
- Kustomize