Zombie Scanning - Idle Host Scanning
Concept : Scanning ports on a machine, but the target machine thinks it is another person scanning it => Anonymity.
When a machine receives 2 packets very close together, it has to determine the order of the packets -> the IP protocol has a field for numbering packets, it's called IPPID (incremental)
hping3 --icmp # -> you can see the incremental ids
Diagram explanation: + Step 1: The attacker sends a Syn/Ack packet to find out the zombie's IPID (which returns a RST - reset)
Step 2: The attacker sends a SYN message to the target machine, spoofing the zombie's address. If the target machine's port is open, then it will reply to zombie with a SYN/ACK packet. Zombie will then send a RST packet to the target because it is not really the sender. Zombie must have sent a RST packet and must therefore increment its IPID.
Step 3: Verify the IPID by sending a new SYN/ACK packet to our zombie, if the IPID received in response has been incremented twice then we are sure that the target machine's port is open.
Injection and manipulation of packets in a network
Module for python to forge, decode, transmit and receive packets from a multitude of protocols (ARP, DHCP, DNS, ICMP, IP...)
i = IP() # create an IP layer variable
i.display() # component of the variable
i.dest = '' # change the @ dest
i.src # can change by itself because scapy knows the @ of the network card
u = UDP()
u.dport # display port numbers (123 for ntp)
u.display() # displays the port names.
request = (i/u) # assign the 2 layers together
request.display() # to display
response = sr1(request) # receive the transmitted packet
reponse.display() # to analyze the received packet
# the same thing in one line
response = sr1(IP(dst='')/UDP(dport=53), timeout=1, verbose=1)
Python script
import os
import sys
from scapy.all import *
# Bonus imports so VsCode is happy
from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, TCP, ICMP
def is_root():
return os.getuid() == 0
def run_scan(zombie, target, port):
print(f"[+] Scan {target} port {port} using {zombie} as zombie")
# get zombie's IP id with SYN/ACK
p1 = sr1(IP(dst=zombie)/TCP(sport=12345, dport=123, flags='SA'), verbose=0)
initial_id = p1.id
print(f"[+] Zombie initial id {initial_id}")
# SYN to target with spoofed IP from zombie
p2 = send(IP(dst=target, src=zombie)/TCP(sport=12345, dport=(port), flags='S'), verbose=0)
# SYN/ACK to zombie to see if it heard back from the target
p3 = sr1(IP(dst=zombie)/TCP(sport=12345, dport=(123), flags='SA'), verbose=0)
final_id = p3.id
print(f"[+] Zombie final id {final_id}")
if((final_id - initial_id) < 2):
print(f"[+] Port {port} : closed")
print(f"[+] Port {port} : opened")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if (not is_root()):
print("[!] Must be run as root. Quitting")
if(len(sys.argv) < 4 or sys.argv[1] == '-h'):
print("Usage: main.py zombieIP targetIP targetPort")
run_scan(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]))
nmap -p 80 # find out if port 80 is open.
nmap -sI [@Zombie] [@cible] -p [port]